Pest Chase Mosquito Control in Alexandria VA

There are two types of mosquitoes in Alexandria VA, the Aedes and the Culex. The Aedes mosquitoes are the most predominant ones.

The femaie mosquito is the one that bites. The male mosquitoes feed on plants.
Female mosquito lays her eggs in any pool of stagnant water. Water in a small container is enough for her to lay her eggs,

Alexandria VA Mosquitoes spread diseases and pose a threat to humans and pets.

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When should mosquito treatment begin in Alexandria VA?

Mosquitoes start breeding in spring and go into fall. 
Early spring is the time to get a mosquito control plant to keep these annoying critters away from your home.

How often should mosquito treatment be done in Alexandria VA?

Mosquito treatment should be done once every three weeks. 
When it rains the pesticide on the foliage wash away and the effectiveness is reduced.
Therefore reapplication is needed every 3 weeks to keep the mosquito population under control.

Mosquito Treatment in Alexandria VA

Pest Chase mosquito control plan includes fogging the plant foliage. We use a insecticide with growth regular that does not allow the mosquitoes to breed successfully.

Mosquito bait stations in Alexandria VA

We also place mosquito bait stations around the house to bring a complete mosquito control. These stations have dual action to target adult mosquitoes and larvae and they offer round the clock protection for your home.

Cities we serve near Alexandria VA